19 Mar 2012

Dystopian Photo-pian

Afternoon all,
I've been tasked with updating Gambit Games' promotional material and have been asking around the members I see regularly for models to photograph.  Just thought I'd post up some images I'd taken of Dan Tulley's nearly finished Prussian Empire Fleet and Pete James' mostly finished Kingdom of Britanian Fleet. My flat unfortunaly didn't have enough space or even hope to contain a decent sea board so I borrow the Dreadfleet mat from the club.
Some nice added detailing on the starboard bow

Frigate on Frigate action their,
Arminius v. Attacker Class

This image is so much better enlarged,
detail on wood, stacks getting
painted, decals...

Prussian Sky Fortress escorted by some Pflicht Class
Scouts over some dense *cough* cloud cover

Britanian Fleet Amass, joined by some
customised tiny flying tokens

If anyone else wants to get some of their models photographed for our promo bits and bobs or even just want to put them on the net, bring them along to the club days and give me a nudge.

Olly for Team Gambit


  1. Nice work. Got to say; I like the new look for the site.

  2. Great clouds! I like the paint job on the KoBs.
