13 Apr 2012

Avacyn Restored Prerelease Events

Here are the details of the Avacyn Restored Prerelease Weekend!

The main event will be on Sunday 29th April and is at St Leonards Church Hall in Glebe Villas and it will start at 10am. As normal it is a sealed event costing £20 (This means that you will be given six boosters from the new Avacyn Restored block from which to build a 40 card deck to use for the tournament). You will also receive at the end of the event a foil promo card and another booster just for being there!

We will also have a special Helvault at the Sunday event only!!! Details of what is contained within are not known at the moment!

When players at the special Helvault Events get achievements, they'll each physically break a seal on the clubs own Helvault. Once all the seals have been broken, the club will open their Helvault and all the players will share the spoils within!

There will also be a prerelease event held on the Saturday at Kids Dreams in Shoreham. Details are the same except there will be no Helvault and numbers are restricted so you need to order your tickets soon!

Tickets have been on sale in Kids Dreams for about a week now, and today they have been added to the website, so you can order online. Remember to specify which event you want to attend!

There will also be a draft event on the Sunday costing £7.50 which will start at 7:00pm and a two headed giant event on the Saturday in Shoreham starting at 6pm. The cost for this is £12 per player for which teams will get 8 boosters to build two 40 card decks and play in teams of two! (If you are interested in this event then let me know soon)
Tickets for these events are available in stores and will be added to the site this weekend!

Remember that all of these events will be ranked so the more you play in the more points you will get (and more cards of course).

Gary of Team Gambit

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